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06年油脂市场可谓风起云涌,国内市场从年初取消进口关税配额,到行业高调整合形成寡头集团对垒,引发了国人对农产品及民族产业危机的认真思考;国际原油价格居高不下引发生物柴油方兴未艾,“厄尔尼诺”气候再度发生更令市场普遍担忧油脂油料供需紧张,进而引发了供求关系的悄然转变,主要商品期价也因此重归牛市,刺激国内农产品价格大幅上扬,引发政府陆续出台产业政策进行宏观调控。随着中国经济继续高速增长及人民币汇率不断升值,新年度下预料国际油脂油料仍将大量涌入中国市场,中外市场间联系将更趋紧密,价格神经也会更敏感,趋势走向也越发扑朔迷离。行业整合后的进出口形势将会发生怎样的变化?中国企业又将面临怎样的挑战和机遇? 政府在其中扮演什么样的角色以及如何发挥作用?这一切必将是充满变数、充满期待、充满机遇的!
    在新的市场环境下,只关心一隅利益已经远远不够,须将发展眼光延伸到全球各个角落才是最为明智的选择。为正确把握全球化趋势下国际油脂油料行业发展趋势,加强中外企业之间更务实的合作, 中国粮油商务网和芝加哥期货交易所( CBOT)定于2007年4月17至18日在北京联合举办“第四届国际油脂油料市场高级研讨会”,届时将邀请国内外知名的政府官员、行业专家、学者、企业负责人等,与您一同就业内受众普遍关注的问题进行深入客观的探讨与交流。
芝加哥期货交易所( CBOT)


   On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Fourth International Conference on Oils & Oilseeds Market, We would like to extend our cordial invitation to you to participate in the conference to be convened during April 17th to 18th, 2007, in Beijing, P. R. China.
   China Fat & Oil market experienced a lot in 2006, such as the government canceling import tariff quotas of agricultural products, commodity price coming into bullish sentiment and industry adjustments, all of which arouse not only Chinese people but also government to consider more about agriculture and national agricultural industry.
   In 2007, with Chinese economy going on developing rapidly and Chinese Dollars' value continuing increasing, it is expected that world oils & oilseeds will still swarming into China, which results in the relations between Chinese and international market becoming more and more tight, so the agricultural products' prices will be more sensitive to the world market.
   In order to grasp the world oils, fats & oilseeds industry development trend in the environment of economic globalization, and improve the communication and cooperation between Chinese and international oil enterprises, China Cereals & Oils Business Net (CCOBN) and Chicago Board of Trade are determined to hold the Fourth International Conference on Oils & Oilseeds Market to offer a communication platform for them.
   On the occasion, we will invite the senior government officials, experts, well-known enterprise presidents and analysts in authoritative research institutions to give lectures on the conference to analyze and discuss thoroughly about many hot topics in the present market.
  February, 2007
历届国际油脂油料市场高级研讨会 主办单位:中国粮油商务网